About Araúz Estate Coffee

Photo of Juan Arauz

Araúz Estate Coffee is grown on our family farm in the world famous Boquete Panama coffee region. The slopes of Panama's tallest mountain, Volcan Baru provide rich volcanic soils and the ideal climate for growing the world's finest coffees. We are proud to be a part of this tradition.

We are located in the Palmira area of the District of Boquete in the highlands above 3600 feet of elevation. We purchased the farm in 2002 which at the time had a hand-full of very poorly tended coffee plants. We worked hard to improve and expand the coffee production. We now have 20 hectares of land with 9 hectares of shaded arabica coffee. We built the beneficio (processing building) in 2003 and have been processing all our own coffee since the 2004-2005 harvest.

My father, Edwin Araúz is the Owner-President with our entire family working as a business team. I have been the farm manager since 2005. We have 2 full-time workers and hire others part-time as needed especially during the coffee harvest. We sell most or our green coffee in small lots to specialty coffee companies in both North America and Europe. We also roast coffee for retail sale. You can read more about all of this in the growing and processing sections of the web site.

We are committed to the highest quality growing and processing standards. Because of this and our small size we can pay close attention to all the details so we can bring you the best. Please take a look at our web site and learn more about Araúz Estate Coffee.